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Ed, James & Steven
Austin, Earl, Cody,
Morgan & Rachel

We began our purebred seedstock operation in 1973 as Dotson's Seedstock. We raised Chesters and a few Hampshires from 1973 to 1992. With the kids all gone from home and Earl's change from being an Ag Teacher to the Education Program at NPPC, we decided it was time to disperse the purebred herd. By 2002, the grandkids were becoming interested in showing livestock, so once again, Dotson's Hampshires resurfaced with a focus on blending the old with the new in the Hampshire breed. Now in 2017, we are raising Hampshires, Chesters, Crossbreds and have played a bit with some Berkshires and Yorkshires.

It has been such a great pleasure to be active in this industry for so many years and for it to be a family tradition. Tradition also impacts the type and kind of sows and boars we keep on our farm as well, incorporating older Hampshire genetics into the 21st century gene pool. Our goal since the beginning has been to not be concerned with the latest trend, but to stay disciplined in establishing, maintaining and advancing a strong maternal base.

During the past 40 years, we have seen numerous changes in the pork industry, hog types and production systems. We continue to work on formulating the perfect blend of new and old genetics.

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